Monday, January 12, 2009


Yesterday we got a major snow storm. The snow started to fall before noon. When I left my home at five after twelve, the ground was covered by thin layer of snow. Since I didn't watch the news nor I listened to local radio station I had no idea how cold it was... so cold that I wonder how Edward wake up nearly every morning and always have an erection! LOL
Anyway, snow seems to be falling everywhere. Can't imagine myself facing such a cold winter again.
So I woke up this morning, opened the door and I saw icicles everywhere.
As I'm writing this post the snow is till falling since yesterday. It stopped for a few hours in the morning.
Well, I'm looking forward to have long days of sun in Brazil for next two months. A good time to be out of here.

1 comment:

  1. Hhahahahaaah Jenna, isso eh coisa de Homem! O Bryan eh a mesma coisa... de manha ta a todo vapor!

    Nossa, eu morrendo de saudade da neve, e voce morrendo de saudade do Sol, do calor... mas aposto que se eu morasse aih jah estaria de saco cheio da neve tb.

    Aproveita a viagem p Brasil, e quando voces voltarem ja vao ter passado o inverno, pelo menos a parte rigorosa.

